
Blue Steel Baby

Is he cool or what...he sure thinks he is. I just think he is so darn cute! He puts on such a serious face when he has his sunglasses on. When Ben or I make a big deal about the coolness he gets this funny little smirk on his face as if to say either 'I know' or 'you guys are totally lame'. Anyway it is cute...and he loves to put them on when we go running. People get a kick out of it.

Max loves taking pictures of himself. Maybe he is trying to capture his coolness. It almost looks like he is doing the Blue Steel look that Ben Stiller perfected in Zoolander. Anyway, this is what I find on my card when I download pictures. Random, out-of-focus, ???? pictures. He loves the flash...that is what he really attracted to. He points the camera at himself and presses the button and just waits for the flash. He laughs and does it again and again. The below two pictures are when I am trying to get a candid shot. The flash goes off and he zeros in on the camera and is determined to take it away from me. Then the following pictures are the outcome on my confiscated camera.


Noelle said...

That is so funny! He's hilarious! I love all the pictures of him reaching out for the camera. Maybe he's into self portrait art?

Anne said...

What a ham!

Stewart Family said...

What a cutie! He is getting to be such a big boy!

Stewart Family said...

I love the new background. I need to learn how to do that, it is so cute!