
A true Floridian

Max and I were on our usual morning run along the lake. We stopped to see a duck and give it a cracker. Then just as we started running again there it was just a little ways away...an ALLIGATOR!! My first sighting! I was so excited, but I didn't have anyone to show it to besides Max and he had now idea what I was talking about. I have been waiting to see one and beginning to think it was just a myth that alligators lived in the lakes. All I could see was it flared nostrils poking up out of the water followed by two bulging eyes and a few spikes. It was probably as long as I am tall. It was so cool! So now I feel like I can say I am a real Floridian!


Anne said...

Congratulations. I love the sign. Definitely try to avoid harassing the alligators.