Why is Max being so quiet...
Posted by missandyd at 2:37 PM 4 comments
Aloha Max
Posted by missandyd at 9:52 AM 4 comments
Are you hurt?
Max started signing hurt a few days ago. In the signing time movie it shows babies crying with very sad faces and moms hugging and kissing them better. You can show where you are hurt by pointing your pointer fingers together over your owie. You can also ask where are you hurt by waving your pointer finger back and forth, like saying no, no. So I want to know how you teach the concept of being hurt without actually hurting? Well Max has had a little confusion when it comes to this. Max surprised me the other day when I stubbed my toe on his highchair while he was eating. While I was bending over in agony and saying owie, owie (I am G rated people) I managed to stand up and point to my owie toe. Max proceeded to wave his finger asking 'where is your owie?' I just started to laugh and showed him where it was. I was so excited that he caught on without me coaxing him. Then the next day or so I was changing his diaper and I pinched him. He cried and signed hurt. So I gave him a hug and was so excited that we could add this to our list of learned signs. Well now it has been a couple of weeks since our first incident. Now it has turned from 'ouch you pinched me' to 'you took that away from me and now I am hurt.' He signs hurt whenever he cries about anything. It is SOOO funny to see when he think he is hurt. We are working on it though...he scratched his finger on the sidewalk and so I showed him that this is an owie. I just need to be on top of it so when he hurts himself I need to stop and say 'where' and 'hurt' then kiss it better. Pretty cute.
Along the same note he learned poop yesterday! It was hilarious!! We both (Max and I) were totally laughing! He was sitting in his highchair when he started grunting. Now he knows what potty is, so I said potty. He looked like he got it. Then he just let one rip so I said 'poop'. He just busted up laughing! He just kept signing it over and over. Then today when I was telling Ben about it I asked Max so show dad what the sign for poop was. He totally started laughing and signing poop!!! What a funny little sense of humor.
Posted by missandyd at 9:12 AM 3 comments
A true Floridian
Posted by missandyd at 6:07 AM 1 comments
I love being 'IT'
Ok, so I am finally going to do my tags-thanks Noelle and Loni. I have a 'husband' tag and a 'six random things' tag. Loni put it perfect when she said, "Just goes to show you how terrible I was at childhood games, when I was 'it' I was too slow to tag someone else so I remained 'it' for a long time."
So here we go...
I think six random things is a lot harder than just answering questions but anyway...
3564, my total time was 01:50:35.33 and Max was 5 months old. My awesome sister in-law did it with me and we had so much fun. The energy that was there was so exciting, it felt like kissing Ben for the first time...hahaha! Next time I will really cut down on my transition time, I think I wasted a lot of time there. I think the most awkward thing was my wet suit (in Florida we don't need wet suits! Hooray!). I had to turn it inside out and roll it up my body. Getting a wet one off was hard...good thing that the transition area was a little ways away from the lake cause I had time to peel it off. It was a good learning experience for future triathlons...Ironman here I come!
2. My childhood movie crush was Atrau from the Neverending Story. And it wasn't just because he had white stallion. I still have a soft spot in my heart for him but now it has been replaced by Ryan Gosling. Did you know that he used to be a practicing Mormon??
3. I love to sew and be creative. My mom taught me to sew on her old machine when I was in fifth grade. I would sit upstairs in my room and make millions of little pillows. Now I have graduated into big pillows. I love to embroider things too. A few years ago I found a new passion of quilting. I joined a group that met every month and exchanged squares. I learn lots of neat tricks. I finished my first quilt a few years ago and am in the middle of one now.
4. I used to play doggie dress up, but not so long ago Annabell wore a pink princess costume for Halloween. But now I have Max as my muse. I loved to crimp and primp my pet pooch Bismark. From when I was about 2 my dog endure me dressing him up, brushing him and giving him bubble baths. I really did crimp his (yes it was a he) hair and curl it with a curling iron. I puffed it up and put hairspray on him. Poor dog! I can't believe my mom let me...or maybe she didn't know?
5. I love breakfast foods. I could eat them for every meal. I love french toast and german pancakes...and eggs and toast and pancakes. I love it all. I also can't eat lunch foods before I have breakfast. Even if it is one o'clock and I haven't eaten yet I still can't muster to eat a sandwich.
6. My first date with Ben was a blind date thanks to Kristine. Ben had tickets to a Bob Dylan concert with Paul Simon opening. We doubled with his friend Rich Green. We went to the Training Table for dinner. Ben was recovering from a car accident and was using crutches to
Now I could tag a few people but I don't want to leave anyone out of the golden opportunity of doing their own tag. So if you read this all, TAG, your it.
Posted by missandyd at 4:33 AM 4 comments
new smyrna beach
Saturday we went to beach...it was fun watching Max. He thought the sand was great and he loved to pick up the sea shells. I think the water was a little to cold for his liking though. The waves were pretty good...every night on the news they say that the rip current warning is high so watch out. "If you do get suck in a rip current, don't panic and swim parallel to shore until you can get in". Friday the lifeguards rescued 17 people at Daytona Beach! Don't worry we didn't go to that beach :)
Posted by missandyd at 3:17 PM 4 comments
Quote of the day...
Posted by missandyd at 5:06 AM 3 comments
Ben and I were so excited when Allegiant Air offered Ben a job. Excited of course for obvious reasons like the free flight benefits, but most of all because Ben is able to be home EVERY night. That was one of the reasons we went to Hawaii too. It has been awesome to be a normal family and have lots of time to spend together.
Posted by missandyd at 4:07 AM 2 comments
That was too much fun
This is Max's new ride. It is lots of fun to have a new mode of transportation. This is a combination of one nap and brick paved roads...there is no hope of staying awake for more than 10 minutes. He really likes it, but the first time in the seat he did not want to wear his helmet. He screamed and pulled it off, but he finally gave in and he doesn't mind it now.
Posted by missandyd at 2:11 PM 4 comments
We are back in business!
Yea! Our computer is fixed! We totally thought that the computer was a gonner. Ben being that resourcful person that he is, found a inexpensive, faster and bigger hard drive and installed it all by himself! He is a man of many talents. So Ben showed me this finnish YouTube video and can I say that not only can the Finnish people dance but boy can they sing!
Posted by missandyd at 9:32 AM 5 comments
There is hope
My husband is so smart and resourceful! We think our computer will last a little longer, maybe. Right now our computer will run only when it is placed on its side...go figure. Anyway, our hard drive has a bad spot in it and he thinks he found a program that will reprogram our computer to work around the bad spots?? I wish that I was more computer savvy so I could explain it. I guess it means that not all is lost and mom we will now be talking on camera sideways. Oh the things we take for granted. It isn't so bad using the library computer or even the business center computer...but now I have to take Max with me and that doesn't allow for much time!
Posted by missandyd at 7:12 AM 1 comments
A sad day...
Well it finally happend...our computer died. Just when I was doing so good at honoring my new years resolution too. It has served us well, keep us in your prayers. Love you all. Till we meet again.
Posted by missandyd at 12:30 PM 0 comments