
Terror Flight

Oh man! What a crazy flight we had last night. I can't believe that Ben and I are still alive. Max has always been such a good traveler. Walking on to the plane should have been my first indication of how the rest of the flight would be. Something just set him off and he cried the whole way down the isle to seat 40C, which is pretty much the back of the plane. Of course I was the last person to get on the plane and I know everyone was looking at me passing by thinking GREAT I hope she isn't my neighbor! I know because I used to be one of those people. Max thankfully stopped crying but he was super wiggly the entire time. I have never been so exhausted in my life. I tried everything I knew to keep him entertained. We did have some quiet times where he would sit and read some stories and I though he would doze off but it was just the calm before the storm. It was four hours and forty minutes of a sleep deprived, board, hyperactive child trying to be held in one position. Two things which are totally contradictory in my book. I can get Max to sit through the sacrament, not sacrament meeting, just the sacrament and that is all. He is not one to sit and be held. All and can say, and Ben would totally disagree, is that I was so glad that he was there to share my pain! So what things keep your children entertained? Ben keeps saying NyQuil over and over but I think that it would have the opposite effect on Max. I need some tricks now cause I am not looking forward to the return flight!!


Stewart Family said...

Oh Man! Sorry about the flight that is the worst! My doctor told me that sometimes those drugs can make the kid not sleep and more active. She said to try it once at home before you try on the plane. We bring every kind of snack under the sun that might interest James, a travel DVD player. Stickers, travel playdough. When I travel with James my carry-on is my biggest bag. I just pack everything I can think of. Also I wrapped little things for him to open (like a little car, or ball). That really excited him. Good luck!

Anne said...

Yuck. Sounds like a nightmare. At least he didn't puke! Good luck coming back.

Noelle said...

I agree with Polly. Stickers, and Snacks! Cheetos are the biggest life savers. I'm so willing to get orange just to keep them happy. Candy even. Portable DVD player for sure! Pop in a signing time video that he likes and hope that he'll stay glued. Also bring an extra battery for it. What mischievous things does he like to do that you wouldn't normally let him? Like Brody loves to take my cards out of my wallet, so I'd get him his own wallet with play cards to pull out of it. Or a photo album of you guys. Kids love looking at pictures of people they know. Small balloons, small thing of bubbles, pack anything fun you can think of. Not a lot of books. For some reason kids don't like books when they're supposed to. But seriously traveling with kids is NO fun. Good Luck!

Ritch in Love said...

Actually I always say, (and I'm totally kidding!)"A little children's benedryl never hurt anyone!" So Ben isn't too far off the mark. ;)
Seriously, I don't know what advice to offer. I admire all parents that have the patience to take a child on such a long flight. Dealt with it two days ago quite extensively. Remember those days as a flight attendant? Betcha don't miss that aspect of the job!

Orme Family said...

Seriously, at least he didn't throw up. That was what happened with Maddie on our last big flight. I first held her into me, got covered, and then turned her around and let her puke down the aisle. Oh the joy!! My advice is to just gear up for it mentally every time. Drink lots of caffine before the flight so that you can keep up with your kid. And...I never care about what people around me think, that just makes it worse. Dave tries to purposely piss people off...I don't take it that far. We had many 13 hour flights to Grenada!

missandyd said...

Thanks for all the advice moms! I am making a list. Those are great ideas and I just have to think positive and not be anxious because I think they totally tune into that too! I love you guys.

The Cannons said...

What I do with Sadie is limit television all the time. The only time I let her watch tv is when I clip her fingernails or trim her hair. However, when we fly I have a DVD player and she can watch all the movies she wants. Sadie LOVES flying because she knows she'll be able to watch a movie. We traveled from D.C. to San Diego and she didn't move a muscle the whole time. The key is making movies special so they are interested in them on the flight. Just buy a portable DVD player and limit television exposure. Works like a charm for me and everyone around me can't believe how good she is. Good luck!!