
Everything leads to Something

I am a big believer that every experience (good or bad) you have in your life prepares you for something that you will experience later on in life. Now I don't want to get to philosophical or anything but every now and again something happens in my life that allows me to draw upon past experiences and I am so thankful for those little learning moments. It is almost like when you learn a new word that you have never heard and suddenly that new word is EVERYWHERE! That is what I am talking about...anyway.

So remember how Max loves his Signing Time movies? Before he could talk he was such a good little signer. Well now he is doing a lot more talking and not very much signing. The whole reason I taught him sign in the first place was so that he communicate before he was able to talk. It worked out really well. A couple months ago we got a new neighbor upstairs from us. He is super nice and he is also deaf. He was so surprised to learn that I had taught Max some sign. I was also really excited that we could communicate fairly well (mostly with his ability to read lips) but with a few sings and using the sign alphabet we are able to talk. He is really patient and teaches Ben and I new signs. We are having fun getting to know him. From now on I will think of Max's signing as another language instead of a bridge of communication between him and I. If we keep signing and talking he will grow up knowing another useful language.

I thought that I would throw in some old movies of Max signing....ahhh. But they are on our old comupter dang! maybe later :)


Anne said...

That's really cool.