So I have been running and biking a lot of new routes lately. (I like to mix things up a little down here in Florida). Not so much when I am biking but when I run I am always wondering how far I have really gone. I generally just calculate things in my head or when I lose track I just go off my time. Sometime afterwards I take a little car ride to see exactly how far I did go. I found this free website that keeps track of all your workout stuff! It even saves all your routes and calculates the mileage, which I am the most excited about. So instead of always having to google map your routes EVERY time or even taking a short car ride (but long enough for your legs to cramp up) it saves it for you and also track your fitness. Way cool.
I am getting ready to run a 25k with Kristine on the 9th and am running out of places to go on my long runs. I hate to do a short run twice! Capital B-oring! Here in Sanford to some of the neighborhoods are to hoodish to run through so I am sort of limited around here. But most of them are so beautiful. I love having year round good weather to workout in! Here is my route I did today and it was so fun. So just go to for running or for biking and have a good workout!
Map My Ride/Run
Posted by missandyd at 9:49 AM 4 comments
More Grandma and Grandpa
Posted by missandyd at 9:04 AM 3 comments
2 Years Old Already!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAX!! We had lots of fun for Max's birthday. Ben had the entire day off (Hooray) so we had a great family birthday! We went to Sea World and saw Shamu and the dolphin show but most of all we saw Manatee!! Max was so excited to see the Manatees, go figure. The were actually really cute. There were big heads of lettuce floating in the water and they were just munching away. So we were there for a while watching them float and eat. Max fell asleep towards the end of the Shamu show cause he was so worn out watching the Manatees. We walked around, had some lunch and called it a day and headed home. Oh and we couldn't pass up the opportunity to get a stuffed Manatee from the one of many gift stores at Sea World. He even brought the Manatee to church today. He hasn't put it down.
Posted by missandyd at 7:54 AM 3 comments
Everything leads to Something
I am a big believer that every experience (good or bad) you have in your life prepares you for something that you will experience later on in life. Now I don't want to get to philosophical or anything but every now and again something happens in my life that allows me to draw upon past experiences and I am so thankful for those little learning moments. It is almost like when you learn a new word that you have never heard and suddenly that new word is EVERYWHERE! That is what I am talking about...anyway.
So remember how Max loves his Signing Time movies? Before he could talk he was such a good little signer. Well now he is doing a lot more talking and not very much signing. The whole reason I taught him sign in the first place was so that he communicate before he was able to talk. It worked out really well. A couple months ago we got a new neighbor upstairs from us. He is super nice and he is also deaf. He was so surprised to learn that I had taught Max some sign. I was also really excited that we could communicate fairly well (mostly with his ability to read lips) but with a few sings and using the sign alphabet we are able to talk. He is really patient and teaches Ben and I new signs. We are having fun getting to know him. From now on I will think of Max's signing as another language instead of a bridge of communication between him and I. If we keep signing and talking he will grow up knowing another useful language.
I thought that I would throw in some old movies of Max signing....ahhh. But they are on our old comupter dang! maybe later :)
Posted by missandyd at 2:09 PM 1 comments
Just Living
Wow, I missed a whole month! I guess we have been having to much fun around here. Actually its due to our dying was a long and slow death. That and our Internet connection was not that great. I would sit down to check email and I would be one sentence into typing and the computer would shut down! So between the computer shutting down without notice and our very low wireless signal I haven't done much of anything on the computer.
Posted by missandyd at 3:59 PM 2 comments